Yoga Teacher
Rathana was born in Kompong Speu Province. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2017 at Pannasastra University of Cambodia. Nowadays, she is working at Smart Axiata Co. Ltd. Besides working, she spends her weekends joining continuing education courses in Yoga at AZAHAR Cambodia in Phnom Penh. She often spends her weekends cooking vegan food with the AZAHAR team and sharing it with the street people around Phnom Penh City. In this way, people suffering from malnourishment have an opportunity to get to know the new taste of meatless food and how a vegan diet promotes peace. Rathana also is a project coordinator for AZAHAR’s rural outreach project at the second mass-killing site of Cambodia in Takeo province, where young people are taught Yoga, English and different art forms.