Jivamukti Yoga Puebla participated at AZAHAR Foundations annual Yoga for Peace Yogathon, and was a part of a worldwide event, hosted by AZAHAR Foundation.
Because last year’s Yogathon was so much fun and so successful, we at AZAHAR Foundation are very excited to organize another Yoga for Peace Yogathon this year. We are all witnessing the power of Yoga every day and our mission is to bring this wonderful tool to many more people, in particular to disadvantaged youth in the developing world and in post-conflict settings. Breathe in Yoga – Breathe out Peace: We hope to unite yogis across the world to practice one class in the month of October, 2017, in the spirit of World Peace. It is an exciting opportunity for global yogic connectedness. Those who participated last year, all expressed what a beautiful feeling it was, to know that their Yoga practice and common intention was being shared with Yoginis and Yogis in 20 countries around the world. AZAHAR invites you again to be part of our community and organize a Yogathon at your local community.
The aim of the event this year is to raise $ 80.000 for the peace work of AZAHAR Foundation.